Neuron Resources Revival - The People Behind the Neuron

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The People behind Neuron

Axel HartmannAxel Hartmann
Today a designer known and respected by the music industry throughout the world, Axel Hartmann earned his wings as the in-house designer at Waldorf Electronics. To this day, he remains the creative force behind this German high-end synthesizer manufacturer's corporate design. With the Wave, Q and Attack families - actually, all Waldorf products as well as the company' attention-grabbing corporate identity - to his credit, the merits he garnered there were many. In 1995 Axel Hartmann joined forces with Stefan Leitl, launching a design company based in Ravensburg, Germany. His accounts list reads like a who's who of the entire music industry. Numbering among his most striking accomplishments are the Waldorf Wave, Alesis Andromeda, Steinberg Houston, and Creamware Noah, to mention just a few.

With Neuron, Axel Hartmann has made a long-held dream come true - to develop a synthesizer a breed apart. His determination yielded an instrument boasting uncompromising aesthetics, innovative technology, and a totally ergonomic feel in perfect harmony with Stephan Bernsee's jaw-dropping synthesis engine.

Stephan M. BernseeStephan Bernsee
Stephan M. Bernsee is the R&D mastermind of the Karlsruhe-based software smithy Prosoniq. He also works as a consultant, hiring out his formidable digital signal processing know-how to leading companies of the music and communications industries. The founder of Prosoniq, he has developed the underlying technologies for the company's products since 1991. He succeeded in developing software that morphs audio signals using perceptional models on the Silicon Graphics IRIX platform in 1988, as well as time-frequency transformation processes designed specifically for this purpose. This was a major stride in analyzing, researching and imaging key functions of human auditory perception on the computer using structures borrowed from nature.

Next to his track record of achievements at Prosoniq, he also developed important technologies for leading music industry companies, among them the formant correction feature found in Emagic's Logic Audio as well as Steinberg Nuendo software's time stretching feature. Stephan Bernsee's innovations have been bundled and sold in soft- and hardware packages by Creative Labs, Steinberg, Emagic, Prosoniq, Digidesign and others. Products such as the NorthPole VST freeware plug-in, developed jointly with Frederic Schelling, ranks among the most prevalent products on the market. Recent developments include a polyphonic real-time resynthesizer (Prosoniq Magenta) as well as software applications for de-mixing signals and for simulating auditory perception on the computer.

In his collaboration with Hartmann, he is taking his research activity in the field of perceptional models from fringe to mainstream science, employing it for the first time in an electronic musical instrument. Bernsee also takes an active role in advocating education in this field. Focusing on related issues, his private homepage is