Neuron Resources Revival - The Silver

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The Silver Unit


As its name would suggest, Silver lets you put a lustrous shine on sounds. In addition to a high-quality multi-mode filter (24dB LP / 12dB LP / Special), it offers two multi-effect processors (time-based FX like chorus / flange / delay and frequency-based FX such as phaser / distortion / compressor / limiter). Like a resynator, it is controlled via a stick. This lets you do things like edit filter cutoff frequency and resonance simultaneously and at the same operating level. With up to three parameter levels to choose from, you can create musically meaningful combinations of up to three two-way parameter sets. Then you can sweep back and forth between the opposed parameters of these parameters sets simultaneously, processing them via any of the time- or frequency-based effects that you have at your disposal.

Neuron is the first and only synthesizer designed from the bottom up for Surround Mode (5.1) applications. Handling is easy - simply joggle the Silver unit's stick. A setup contains up to four sounds, and you can pan the sounds in a setup independently and to any position in the Surround field. Beyond that, you can record stick movements, creating tridimensional sweeps, and store these modulations as a component of a sound within a setup.