Neural Synthesizer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() Method of Tone Generation : Template driven Multi-Component Particle Transform Synthesis with realtime controllable synthesis model parameter. ANN (Artificial Neural Network) controlled adaptive sound analysis for the parametric transformation of musical monophonic and polyphonic sounds. ![]() Neural Synthesizer NEURON offers an entirely new approach to creative sound synthesis and marks a breakthrough in 21st century synthesizer design. NEURON combines intelligent analysis and synthesis based on neural networks with innovative user interface design.The result is a completely new type of synthesizer offering spectacular and unique sounds inside an easy-to-use instrument.The intelligent Neuron software allows the user to first analyze and then manipulate any sound source in a completely new and different way. With its neural network controlled adaptive sound analysis, NEURON identifies a sound s most specific qualities and translates them into individual parameter sets, perfectly matching the original source sound. All aspects of the sound are saved in a model, which can be instantly recalled and played. Instead of applying the same parameters to every type of sound, NEURON learns from the sounds fed into it and automatically assigns suitable parameters to each type of sound. Despite it s power, NEURON s user interface is both intuitive and easy-to-use. Custom designed controls like the new graphic supported stick controllers and rotary encoder wheels provide accurate and smooth control over each parameter. A flexible modulation engine and full parameter automation allow for dynamic editing and realtime recording of parameter changes. In addition, no less than 13 alphanumeric displays provide instant feedback over the current status of the instrument. Sounds originate in two so-called resynators, each of which generates a sound based on the models stored on NEURON s internal hard drive. Using the Blender function, these two models can be mixed and merged in a variety of different ways, creating totally new sounds based on the individual models. For example, a three-dimensional imprint of one model can be used to manipulate the spectrum of another model. The possibilities are virtually unlimited. In addition, complex sounds can be filtered and processed in many different ways. NEURON not only offers powerful realtime effects: it is also the first synthesizer to provide full 5.1 surround panning and processing capabilities. Users remain blissfully unaware of the complex calculations that Neuron constantly perform in the background. Mind is free to concentrate on the control panel, an amazing piece of engineering that adats dynamically to suit the selected audio material. For example, when you dial up a sound, different parameters are accessible than when you opt to manipulate a drum loop or bend a synthetic clan cluster. Neuron indicates these parameters in its displays. Tweaking could not be any easier - up to four tonal properties may be manipulated simultaneously using a stick controller. This allows you to do fairly conventional thinfs like add woodiness to a given sound or slow down a frum loop, or freakier things like slacken and shorten the strings that form a piano sound. ![]()
![]() The following are examples using my own sounds made with the Neuron. Sounds were played live without additional external processing. A few among them were designed creating new Models (N° 2,6,8,12 and 14) 01-Indian Rezynator Spectral Exploration.mp3 (975ko) (This sound track shows how notes played within various octaves sound like a real instrument (different from sampling which just transpose a same spectra at different frequencies). The result is further enhanced while modulating the Resynators.) 02-Indian Voice Morph Strings.mp3 (570ko) 03-Neuron Life.mp3 (418ko) 04-Neuron Machine.mp3 (86ko) 05-Neuron Reactors.mp3 (293ko) 06-Neuron Verb Pads.mp3 (458ko) 07-Psyche Loop.mp3 (79ko) 08-Rev Loop Transformation.mp3 (667ko) 09-Rezo.mp3 (231ko) 10-Slaped Pads.mp3 (811ko) 11-Snake Bass Pad.mp3 (241ko) 12-Vocod One Two Three.mp3 (138ko) 13-Held Stick Pads.mp3 (273ko) 14-Ice Age.mp3 (513ko) Imagine the intoxicating sonic possibilities of merging unrelated sounds, say by having a choir sing a drumbeat or by playing a guitar through the housing of a grand piano. The Blender offers untold possibilities for manipulating one timbre with the properties of another. ![]() Additional Documentation for Neuron Users : I issued the following documentation that might be of some use to some NEURON users. French users will find here a french translation of the MODELmake Parsets. I found that some of the original Parsets description didn't match my own approach of them. I then decided to compile my personal feelings in a table that some NEURON users may find correct with the subjective terms I used. Such table can also helps one to quickly identify which Parset will suits well in regards to the expected final sonic results (manipulating on the Models later with the NEURON 's Resynators). In a matter of efficiency, I also reported all the MIDI Controllers CCs directly onto the NEURON's controllers pannel pictorial representation which is definitely of some use when working with sequencers and other DAWs... I wish you a pleasant reading ! ( all documentation is in PDF format ) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Additional Material for Neuron Users : Neuron's Motherboard BIOS Settings RAM Update (1GB) The Neuron Kb' s RAM has been recently updated (last November. 2005) . The RAM expansion must respect a basic common rule: sticks must be inserted by pair and have to be of the same size/specs. The Motherboard located inside the Neuron can only accepts up to 1GB. This is the maximum RAM available. A little experiment shows that models exceeding 400 to 500Mb can be easily loaded within the resynators. A gallery has now been featured at this occasion : please take some time and visit the Neuron's heart ! ![]() NEURON VS The virtual emulation of the NEURON has been acquired recently (last october 2005). The Neuron VS has a lot of similarities with NEURON Kb. Except the FX Section that doesn't provide one with an independant Delay section, and the Reverb section isn't available either. Neuron VS offers a nice user interface (GUI), that allows one a direct access to all the main features of the Neuron's further freedom for the creaction and for mind, but also an immediate understanding of the sounds flow. Neuron Kb and Neuron VS have similar sounds but different in some ways (warmer sounds using the KB version, but "crispier" using the VS) . They can be understood as two entirely different instruments though. Each offers a different approach and a different processing flow. Due to inherent problems to the company Hartmann Gmbh, Neuron VS will never get the stick animation featured (was advertised, and even mentionned in it's user's guide however) by opposition to the Keyboard version. The Surround panning isn't available with Neuron VS. ![]() |